
Fischer Random Chess at the Club! (Chess960)

We have Fischer Random Chess (FRC / Chess960) scheduled for Thursday, June 29th at Des Moines Gospel Chapel!

Come on in and enjoy some chaos in the Rapid Time control format!


USCF Time Controls – Regular, Quick, Blitz… What are the Differences?

The US Chess Federation website isn’t too clear on the differences in the three time controls that show up on your page:

  • Regular
  • Quick
  • Blitz

For those used to online play and the time control categories there, the USCF time control descriptions map this way:

  • Regular = Classical
  • Quick = Rapid
  • Blitz = Blitz (minimum of 3+2, anything lower cannot be rated)

OK, that’s great. But what specific time controls correspond with these descriptions? Here’s a breakdown of what USCF Regular, Quick, and Blitz mean.